A devastating car accident occurred in Piedmont, California, early Wednesday morning, claiming the lives of three former Piedmont High School students: Soren Dixon, Jack Nelson, and Krysta Tsukahara. The sole survivor, 20-year-old Jordan Miller, suffered critical injuries.
Piedmont Police Chief Jeremy Bowers confirmed that speed was likely a factor in the crash, but investigations are ongoing to determine the exact cause of the accident. When emergency services arrived, the Tesla Cybertruck was fully engulfed in flames, which were quickly extinguished by the Piedmont Fire Department.
Fire Chief Dave Brannigan indicated that the speed at which the fire was put out suggests that the Cybertruck’s lithium-ion battery did not catch fire, and the blaze seemed more consistent with a typical car fire.
The Piedmont community is reeling from the loss of the three young victims, who were well-known and respected in the area. The investigation into the crash remains ongoing, with authorities working to determine all the factors that led to the fatal collision.