A devastating shooting occurred on Friday night in Portage, Indiana, claiming the lives of two individuals, including Brandy Manville, a cherished secretary at Portage High School. The shooting followed a domestic disturbance at a residence on Monument Avenue, where Brandy and her husband, Charles Manville, 45, lost their lives.
The Portage High School community is mourning the loss of Brandy Manville, who was known for her warm and welcoming demeanor. In a statement, the school district remembered Brandy as someone who provided emotional support to students and was a familiar presence in the school’s main office.
Counseling services will be available to students and staff, with principals providing instructions on accessing these services when school resumes on Monday. The district has also provided guidance on dealing with grief, encouraging families to listen to and support their children during this difficult time.
The investigation into the shooting is ongoing, with law enforcement working to determine the circumstances leading up to the violence. Portage Police Chief Mike Candiano confirmed that officers responded to the scene around 7:41 p.m. on Friday, where they discovered the two deceased adults and the injured daughter.
The Portage community is coming together to support one another in the wake of this tragedy. Mayor Austin Bonta expressed condolences and provided an update on the daughter’s condition, while Porter County Coroner Cyndi Dykes referred to the deaths as “senseless” and extended sympathy to the family and loved ones of the victims.
As the investigation continues, the Portage community remains in shock, mourning the loss of a beloved member of their school community. GoFundMe